Monday, October 4, 2010


Are you finding it hard to manage a home, work, school, children, family, social life, and friends? Well if this is your life or your life is similar to this I have some tips for you.

1- You will need a note pad ?Y? Because you must write everything down

2- Plan your day from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep.

3- Schedule everything I mean everything… what your cooking for dinner, what time you’re going to bath, sleep, ect…

4-balance your life you cannot do everything every day.

5-plan time on your days off to do something special with your loved ones – something as simple as watching TV or cuddling in bed with the family, taking a stroll, or eating together.

6- Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. If you miss it and it can be done another day do it another day.

7- Get enough sleep.

8- Take some YOU time- take a long bath, surf the web for random whatever, shop, go have a social lunch, do something that relaxes you.

9- Organize a life healthy plan- this is vital to your life. Exercise and a well balance meal plan will help you feel like you.

10-And remember at the end of the day your –yourself, family and friend are important so stay close

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