Wednesday, June 15, 2011


What’s the definition of honesty?
Is it saying what the other person wants to hear?
Is it saying what it is no matter what?
Is it keeping your mouth shut?
If someone told you do what you want, does that mean they’re doing them???
If you where told I don’t care if you cheat on me is that a clear indication that they’re probably doing it to you????
Sometimes we are faced with all these questions in a relationship and though the answer seems clear it’s not its quit mine fucking or is it????
We tend to do what our heart wants to do and unless your mind gets turned to something else we can get a bit obsess with the B.S in our lives.
Including me, can attest to being a victim to delusional B.S. and now better than ever is the best time to clear that shit out!
First what’s the B.S, Identify what in your life is causing/making you unhappy.
Second, confront the problem if it’s a person tell them exactly how you feel, if its finances think of away to make it out… (example)
Third make those changes, and start living a life of happiness.
Now, remember this is after you have self evaluated yourself and you have identified exactly who you are, what you want, and where you want to be.

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