Thursday, December 30, 2010
Next Fabolous Event - Fashion Designers This is for you
Well, Operation Smile is coming up Feb. 5 2010 at the Vice Roy in Miami, Ten Faboulous Designers will showcase their version of the little black dress, which is the theme of this years event.
Jam The Runway with Yendi Phillipps
Jam the Runway with Yendi Phillipps was a smash, we had loads of fun.
Leo Creary ~ Photoshoot
Awesome shoot, I ended up doing MUA on this shoot, Hair by Ashley Romano, Segrid Allen Design, Model: Katherine Villari, Model: Estefania Serrano
Miami Music Festival
What can I say this event was eventful!!! nuff said!!! Awesome Hair and Mua from Rouge Theory Team. Segrid Allen Design, and Photography by Jon Gorr
Wonderful Photo Shoot with the one and only George Wakefield
I had so much fun on this shoot. George Wakefield is great at lifestyle photos... I love it!! Franco, Latrina, Doris, and Kiwi our MUA and Hair team was priceless. Our models were fabulous... Once again Segrid Allen Designs... watch out for her official launch. Models in this shoot - Renee Fletcher, Staci Lyon, Moya Williams, Susie Hamilton, Jiselle, Alicia Rodriquez, Janelli Sama, and Shani Robinson
FDE- Fashion Designer Expo - Oct 2010
What can I say it was a bit of a disaster, no editorial press, no buyers it was unorganized and chaotic to say the least... Good out of this event, I met some awesome people.
2011 Here We Come
The new year for most usually mean change, change of lifestyle, promise of good things, weight loss, stop cursing, stop smoking, get focus… the list goes on and on and on, but we loose sight of these changes along the 364 days following our promises to ourselves. Why!? Is it because we forget our self promises or do we make unrealistic promises that can not be filled. In order for change to come to us we must first change our lives to open up a pathway to our changes. You can’t expect to welcome change while doing the same old things. With that come the uncomfortable feelings of displacement. So, for 2011 lets start by writing down the things we wish to change, and then evaluate your list as to what you are willing to give up to achieve these changes. Push yourself if it is something doable and positive, but makes you a little uncomfortable or scared. If it’s a good life change, such as loosing a bad habit, correcting a bad trait in you, then maybe it’s worth the sacrifice.
On to weight, whether male or female when you set a weight loss goal for yourself make it realistic. Take a look at your work schedule, family life, personal life, your responsibilities. This is important because one of the main factors that stop us from loosing our potential weight is stress, especially for women. Once again what positive changes can you make in those areas to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Here are a few tips:
Work Life:
1) Make your food for work – this not only saves you money but help to control your fat intake
2) Wake up 5 minutes earlier than usual and take a personal minute to stretch your arms, legs, back, torso, rotate your neck, arm, wrist, and ankles. Get your body ready for your day.
3) On your way to work listen to your favorite music, clear your head, contract you tummy and hold it for thirty second to a minute (you can increase over time). Ladies contract your tummy and Kegel muscle as well this helps you build muscle control in your abdomen and love area.
4) Substitute your meals with slightly healthier ones, If you must have coffee, then go light on the toast, maybe wheat toast with light butter.
5) And that day old saying, eat breakfast!!!
6) Make your lunch light salad with some form of meat.
7) Eat dinner early if you can with lots more meat and vegetables and less carbs.
8) Sleep at nights – a good nights rest will help your body to unwind and release that fat.
Family life:
Got Kids??!
1) Play with them kids will wear you – newborn to 13 years old fun time is anytime to a child.
2) Older kids 13-18 walk with them a mile or two, have small take it matters. You will not only loose weight, but build a better relationship, lay foundations of expectations and guidelines for your children, and promote a healthy lifestyle for them.
3) With technology taking over wii it out or kenect it out with a dance game, yoga game, sports game.
4) Make food changes fun for them and for you do it gradually try new and different things.
5) Bake don’t fry, use olive oil if case that you do fry food.
Personal Life:
“with or without a family you need a personal space and time”, its hard I know.
1) Me time, whether that is reading, listening to music, walking, watching you favorite shows, shopping (watch your budget!!!)
2) Exercise it really take the stress away.
3) Make at least 30 minutes a day that you are doing something for you, buy you (FUBU) lol
4) Even on a budget do things like buy yourself new underwear, a shirt, a dress it can be cheap, $5.99, keep it under $20 a month.
5) Do your hair. If you are on a serious budget then get it professionally done once a month - $60-100 expense. Then maintain it yourself, by washing it, once every week – two weeks. Roll it, wrap it – my black queen, my white beauties wash it daily, dry it properly, and keep it trimmed. My men simple get a hair cut and a shave up – either do it yourself or once a week.
6) Have some form of sexual release 5-7 times a week. Consensual and safe, alone or with your partner.
Your Responsibilities:
1) Make financial plans and goals and balance it. You can do it.
2) Plan your bills, make sound decisions on your debt (if you don’t have it, you don’t have it!!)
3) Try to pay your bills on time – get a refrigerator magnet paper pad – target for $1.00 and write what’s due when for common bills like light, cable, water, credit cards.
4) Never pay your bills early, pay them a day or two before they are due, incase an emergency arise and you have to react. Call the company for the bill that is due and make arrangements.
5) Send time with our children, family, close friends, and maintain a career goal, by working hard towards it, and staying focused, and being determined everyday about it.
And remember you can only change you and can not change another human being, what does that mean, sometimes change means changing how you do business in your personal relationships with your spouse, partner, and fiancé. Communicate and change gradually, know that sometimes for a better, healthier life, change means leaving the one you love and begin to lead with your head and not your heart for a better tomorrow. The word change is big, so whatever you are going to change, think about it and change wisely.
Happy New Year
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Losing our innocence
I ran into a friend yesterday from high school and as we
spoke a feeling of sadness come over me. Her mannerisms, voice and tones reeked
of misery, tiredness, and a failed spirit. I realized that this person, who was
so filled with joy and innocence, 10 years ago, had lost that sparkle in her
eyes, and it made me wonder. I started thinking back to high school and all the
people who were so happy go lucky, and who are now sad, bitter, different,
used, lost. It was all so simple then, the song comes to mind. Where does our
innocence go… out the door I suppose with failed relationships, mothers without
fathers, fathers without mothers, cheating, lying, poverty, the reality that
the streets aren’t paved with gold… And it saddened me for I too lost that chipper
spirit, that carefree floating in the meadows feeling. And I wonder, if we can
ever find those fields again, or are we all doomed to paved streets, no green,
no trees in sight.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Depression!!! It's Serious
Depression something I have been seeing a lot of this pass week. I’ve also seen a lot of quiet mouths. If you have never heard my story, listen up. About three years ago I feel into a deep depression I got pregnant and lost twins among other serious issues. My life was going downhill and my stress level was off the radar. I am known to be a very strong woman to some, but I broke and broke hard. I sat in that depression for two years. I shut down. I strayed away from friends, family, the world. I consumed myself with work. I stop opening my mails, stop answering my phone, stop caring about life. The beginning of 2009 I almost lost my life and while in the hospital a stranger said to me I have been here for 3 months now and no one has visited me. I felt a deep sadness for him. He was an elderly veteran, who had lose his wife and lived here in Miami alone. His kids we all in upstate New York and not one of them came to see him. It made me think, here I am keeping my issues hush, hush from my friends and family and this man had none. I came out of there with a new outlook on life. A positive view and a hopeful road. I realized that I am beyond bless in family and friends. And to further show me how blessed I am God gave me a beautiful little girl. DEPRESSION SHOULD NEVER BE SILENT, whether it’s a friend, family, or stranger. Help comes through the oddest sources. Talk to someone about whatever you are going through, sometimes just talking about it can save your life. It’s not always about people relating to you, it’s about people caring and understanding you.
I am blessed with the gift of helping others, understanding and relating to their stories, three years ago it was time for me to understand myself.
You must first learn who you are to help those in need. Now I am one with my inner self and helping others become one in theirs
Sunday, October 10, 2010
At what age do men grow up
Well Christie, it’s not really an age thing, it’s an experience and upbringing thing. Men can be responsible from a very young age if their parents trained them to be or if life gave them no other choice but to be. i.e a child, marriage, military, jail, or hardship that forces them to grow up before time. But unfortunately there is no time frame on when a man will grow up and become mature. Some do it early and some well lets just say I’ve seen senior citizen men that makes me go hhhmmm… I guess they never do!!!
Some men say they never really grow up they just give in to their women. Other differ saying that the statement men are immature doesn’t apply to all men just some… like the phrase all women are psycho, but not all are just most… lol
My advice to you is this: ask the questions that are important to you, and watch how he moves, you will never get your perfect man, but you will get someone who will compromise with you and try. Evaluate his morals, pass relationships, kids (if he has them), how he treats his mother, even his living habits. Then ask yourself is this what you want or do you have anything in common besides the lust or sexually attraction you are feeling right now. Just like they categorize us ask yourself is he marriage material even if you are not looking to jump the broom now you might what to later and then what.
I hope this helps…. Thanks for the question
Marijuana, Once Divisive, Brings Some Families Closer
Susan Montoya Bryan/Associated Press
Doctors are expecting to see more medical marijuana use, legal or illegal, depending on the jurisdiction, among elderly patients.
Published: October 9, 2010
Bryan, 46, a writer who lives in Illinois, began supplying his parents about five years ago, after he told them about his own marijuana use. When he was growing up, he said, his parents were very strict about illegal drugs.
“We would have grounded him,” said his mother, who is 72.
But with age and the growing acceptance of medical marijuana, his parents were curious. His father had a heart ailment, his mother had dizzy spells and nausea, and both were worried about Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. They looked at some research and decided marijuana was worth a try.
Bryan, who like others interviewed for this article declined to use his full name for legal reasons, began making them brownies and ginger snaps laced with the drug. Illinois does not allow medical use of marijuana, though 14 states and the District of Columbia do. At their age, his mother said, they were not concerned about it leading to harder drugs, which had been one of their worries with Bryan.
“We have concerns about the law, but I would not go back to not taking the cookie and going through what I went through,” she said, adding that her dizzy spells and nausea had receded. “Of course, if they catch me, I’ll have to quit taking it.”
This family’s story is still a rare one. Less than 1 percent of people 65 and over said they had smoked marijuana in the last year, according to a 2009 survey by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. But as the generation that embraced marijuana as teenagers passes into middle age, doctors expect to see more marijuana use by their elderly patients.
“I think use of medical marijuana in older people is going to be much greater in the future,” said Dan G. Blazer, a professor of geriatric psychology at Duke University who has studied drug use and abuse among older people.
The rate for people ages 50 to 65 who said they smoke marijuana was nearly 4 percent — about six times as high as the 65-and-over crowd — suggesting that they were more likely to continue whatever patterns of drug use they had established in their younger years. In both age groups, the rate of marijuana abuse was very low, about 1 in 800.
Cannabinoids, the active agents in marijuana, have shown promise as pain relievers, especially for pain arising from nerve damage, said Dr. Seddon R. Savage, a pain specialist and president of the American Pain Society, a medical professionals’ group.
Two cannabinoid prescription drugs are approved for use in this country, but only to treat nausea or appetite loss. And while preliminary research suggests that cannabinoids may help in fighting cancer and reducing spasms in people with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, the results have been mixed.
Dr. Savage said doctors should be concerned about older patients using marijuana. “It’s putting people at risk of falls, impaired cognition, impaired memory, loss of motor control,” she said. “Beside the legal aspects, it’s unsupervised use of a pretty potent drug. Under almost all circumstances, there are alternatives that are just as effective.”
Dr. Savage added, however, that there was a considerable range of opinions about marijuana use among pain specialists, and that many favored it.
Older people may face special risks with marijuana, in part because of the secrecy that surrounds illegal drug use, said Dr. William Dale, section chief of geriatrics and palliative medicine at the University of Chicago Medical Center, who said he would not oppose a law allowing medical marijuana use in Illinois.
The drug raises users’ heart rates and lowers their blood pressure, so doctors needed to weigh its effects beside those of other medications that users might be taking, he said. But patients do not always confide their illegal drug use, he said.
“It’s a fine balance between being supportive of patients to gain their trust and giving them your best recommendations,” Dr. Dale said. “I wasn’t taught this in medical school.”
For some families, marijuana, which was once the root of all their battles, has brought them closer together. Instead of parental warnings and punishment, there are questions about how to light a water pipe; instead of the Grateful Dead, there are recipes for low-sodium brownies.
But for parents, there is also the knowledge that they are putting their children at risk of arrest.
“I was very uncomfortable getting my son involved,” said the father of Alex, 21. The father, who is 54, started using marijuana to relieve his pain from degenerative disc disease. He soon discovered that Alex, who lives in Minnesota a few miles away, had access to better marijuana than he did.
Alex’s father had smoked marijuana when he was younger; Alex, by contrast, had been active in antidrug groups at his school and church. In college, he started smoking infrequently and studying marijuana’s medicinal properties.
“When he told me he was using cannabis, I think he expected it to be a bigger deal for me,” Alex said. “But it opened my eyes to what he was going through.”
Before trying marijuana, Alex’s father took OxyContin, a narcotic, which he said made him “feel like a zombie.” He also took antidepressants to relieve the mood disorder he associated with the OxyContin. Marijuana has helped him cut down on the painkillers, he said.
He and Alex have smoked together twice, but it is not a regular practice, both said. Yet they say the drug has strengthened their relationship.
“We spend our bonding time making brownies,” Alex said.
Florence, 89, an artist who lives in New York, smokes mainly for relief from her spinal stenosis — usually one or two puffs before going to sleep, she said. She buys her pipes through an online shop and gets her marijuana from her daughter, Loren, who is 65.
“A person brings it to me,” said Loren, who uses marijuana recreationally. “I’m not out on a street corner.” Florence said that she had told all of her doctors that she was using marijuana, and that none had ever discouraged her or warned of interactions with her prescription drugs, including painkillers.
“I think I’ve influenced my own physician on the subject,” she said. “She came to me and asked me for some for another patient.”
Beenie Segal going back to jail????
(AllHipHop News) Rapper Beanie Sigel has been charged with tax evasion and didn’t file any taxes from 2002 to 2004, according to published reports.
The charges state that the Philadelphia rapper made about $1.5 million in those two years, but didn’t pay taxes.
The rapper was hit with the federal charges Wednesday.
"Federal prosecutors in Philadelphia say the entertainer born Dwight Grant made $1.5 million from 2002 to 2004, but filed no tax returns," said the Associated Press.
Sigel may not have intentionally failed to pay taxes, his lawyer Fortunato N. Perri., Jr. told the Philadelphia Daily News.
"I don't think he's being targeted, he just needs to get his personal business and tax affairs cleaned up," Perri said. "While he was in prison, other individuals were handling his finances.”
"Some of the business relationships he had with some of the players involved makes it more difficult," Perri said. "We're trying to resolve the issues as quick as we can."
Sigel, 36, may serve to three years in prison and a fine of $300,000 if convicted.
How To Repair Hairline Breakage
How To Repair Hairline Breakage
By Chantel McGee on Oct 8th 2010 2:00PM
Whether you're a celebrity who consistently wears weaves or a girl who likes to get her hair did on the regular, at some point in time you've probably dealt with hairline breakage. It happens to the best of us, just ask Naomi Campbell. Before you can treat hair breakage properly, you have to get to the root of the problem (no pun intended). There are a variety of causes of hair breakage ranging from harsh chemicals from perms and relaxers; permanent hair color; pressure or pulling from braids and weaves, wigs and medical conditions like Alopecia and Lupus.
If you've linked your hairline breakage to chemical damage, you'll want to stop using any potentially harmful products in your hair for at least two to three months.
It may be difficult to live without a relaxer for an extended period, but in the meantime try Razac Perfect for Perms Finishing Creme ($6.99, to keep your hair looking straight and shiny. You might also want to try sleeping on a silk pillowcase to reduce breakage caused by rough fabrics that pull at your hair while you sleep.
If your thinning edges are the result of braids, weaves or wigs, try to avoid having your hair braided too close to your hairline. Your hairline is considered the weakest part of your hair and it isn't really equip to handle excessive strain or pull.
If you want your hair to grow back quickly try using Magical Gro by African Pride ($5.99,
Also, deep condition your hair once a week with either Mizani Kerafuse Protein Treatment ($21.56,
or Motions CPR ($5.99, If you're still unsure what is causing your breakage, consult your doctor or stylist.
Fortunately there are tons of products on the market to conceal your breaking hairline ranging from spray on hair colors, to hair dyes and cover-sticks. If you want to save some money, use mascara to lightly fill in the thinning area. If you choose a color that closely matches your hair, people will be less likely to notice. Try to be creative by wearing your hair in styles that hide your breakage. And remember, your hair will grow back! You just have to be patient.

By Chantel McGee on Oct 8th 2010 2:00PM
Whether you're a celebrity who consistently wears weaves or a girl who likes to get her hair did on the regular, at some point in time you've probably dealt with hairline breakage. It happens to the best of us, just ask Naomi Campbell. Before you can treat hair breakage properly, you have to get to the root of the problem (no pun intended). There are a variety of causes of hair breakage ranging from harsh chemicals from perms and relaxers; permanent hair color; pressure or pulling from braids and weaves, wigs and medical conditions like Alopecia and Lupus.
If you've linked your hairline breakage to chemical damage, you'll want to stop using any potentially harmful products in your hair for at least two to three months.
It may be difficult to live without a relaxer for an extended period, but in the meantime try Razac Perfect for Perms Finishing Creme ($6.99, to keep your hair looking straight and shiny. You might also want to try sleeping on a silk pillowcase to reduce breakage caused by rough fabrics that pull at your hair while you sleep.
If your thinning edges are the result of braids, weaves or wigs, try to avoid having your hair braided too close to your hairline. Your hairline is considered the weakest part of your hair and it isn't really equip to handle excessive strain or pull.
If you want your hair to grow back quickly try using Magical Gro by African Pride ($5.99,
Also, deep condition your hair once a week with either Mizani Kerafuse Protein Treatment ($21.56,
or Motions CPR ($5.99, If you're still unsure what is causing your breakage, consult your doctor or stylist.
Fortunately there are tons of products on the market to conceal your breaking hairline ranging from spray on hair colors, to hair dyes and cover-sticks. If you want to save some money, use mascara to lightly fill in the thinning area. If you choose a color that closely matches your hair, people will be less likely to notice. Try to be creative by wearing your hair in styles that hide your breakage. And remember, your hair will grow back! You just have to be patient.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Official Willow Smith "Whip My Hair" Teaser |
I Like this song...I saw Two Thumbs Up... I'm whippin it girl!!! lol
Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World) (Teaser Video)
So this is my song of the week... I'm loving it!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hot or Not???
Would you where these boots???
CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN - Toundra - Coyote Trim Boots - $2,095.00 USD
Do our color still play a factor???
"I copied and paste this article from the New York Times, do you agree with his findings remember it is an opinion"
The Seat Not Taken
Published: October 6, 2010
AT least twice a week I ride Amtrak’s high-speed Acela train from my home in New York City to my teaching job in Providence, R.I. The route passes through a region of the country populated by, statistics tell us, a significant segment of its most educated, affluent, sophisticated and enlightened citizens.

Brian Cronin
Over the last four years, excluding summers, I have conducted a casual sociological experiment in which I am both participant and observer. It’s a survey I began not because I had some specific point to prove by gathering data to support it, but because I couldn’t avoid becoming aware of an obvious, disquieting truth.
Almost invariably, after I have hustled aboard early and occupied one half of a vacant double seat in the usually crowded quiet car, the empty place next to me will remain empty for the entire trip.
I’m a man of color, one of the few on the train and often the only one in the quiet car, and I’ve concluded that color explains a lot about my experience. Unless the car is nearly full, color will determine, even if it doesn’t exactly clarify, why 9 times out of 10 people will shun a free seat if it means sitting beside me.
Giving them and myself the benefit of the doubt, I can rule out excessive body odor or bad breath; a hateful, intimidating scowl; hip-hop clothing; or a hideous deformity as possible objections to my person. Considering also the cost of an Acela ticket, the fact that I display no visible indications of religious preference and, finally, the numerous external signs of middle-class membership I share with the majority of the passengers, color appears to be a sufficient reason for the behavior I have recorded.
Of course, I’m not registering a complaint about the privilege, conferred upon me by color, to enjoy the luxury of an extra seat to myself. I relish the opportunity to spread out, savor the privacy and quiet and work or gaze at the scenic New England woods and coast. It’s a particularly appealing perk if I compare the train to air travel or any other mode of transportation, besides walking or bicycling, for negotiating the mercilessly congested Northeast Corridor. Still, in the year 2010, with an African-descended, brown president in the White House and a nation confidently asserting its passage into a postracial era, it strikes me as odd to ride beside a vacant seat, just about every time I embark on a three-hour journey each way, from home to work and back.
I admit I look forward to the moment when other passengers, searching for a good seat, or any seat at all on the busiest days, stop anxiously prowling the quiet-car aisle, the moment when they have all settled elsewhere, including the ones who willfully blinded themselves to the open seat beside me or were unconvinced of its availability when they passed by. I savor that precise moment when the train sighs and begins to glide away from Penn or Providence Station, and I’m able to say to myself, with relative assurance, that the vacant place beside me is free, free at last, or at least free until the next station. I can relax, prop open my briefcase or rest papers, snacks or my arm in the unoccupied seat.
But the very pleasing moment of anticipation casts a shadow, because I can’t accept the bounty of an extra seat without remembering why it’s empty, without wondering if its emptiness isn’t something quite sad. And quite dangerous, also, if left unexamined. Posters in the train, the station, the subway warn: if you see something, say something.
John Edgar Wideman is a professor of Africana studies and literary arts at Brown and the author, most recently, of “Briefs.
The Seat Not Taken
Published: October 6, 2010
AT least twice a week I ride Amtrak’s high-speed Acela train from my home in New York City to my teaching job in Providence, R.I. The route passes through a region of the country populated by, statistics tell us, a significant segment of its most educated, affluent, sophisticated and enlightened citizens.

Brian Cronin
Over the last four years, excluding summers, I have conducted a casual sociological experiment in which I am both participant and observer. It’s a survey I began not because I had some specific point to prove by gathering data to support it, but because I couldn’t avoid becoming aware of an obvious, disquieting truth.
Almost invariably, after I have hustled aboard early and occupied one half of a vacant double seat in the usually crowded quiet car, the empty place next to me will remain empty for the entire trip.
I’m a man of color, one of the few on the train and often the only one in the quiet car, and I’ve concluded that color explains a lot about my experience. Unless the car is nearly full, color will determine, even if it doesn’t exactly clarify, why 9 times out of 10 people will shun a free seat if it means sitting beside me.
Giving them and myself the benefit of the doubt, I can rule out excessive body odor or bad breath; a hateful, intimidating scowl; hip-hop clothing; or a hideous deformity as possible objections to my person. Considering also the cost of an Acela ticket, the fact that I display no visible indications of religious preference and, finally, the numerous external signs of middle-class membership I share with the majority of the passengers, color appears to be a sufficient reason for the behavior I have recorded.
Of course, I’m not registering a complaint about the privilege, conferred upon me by color, to enjoy the luxury of an extra seat to myself. I relish the opportunity to spread out, savor the privacy and quiet and work or gaze at the scenic New England woods and coast. It’s a particularly appealing perk if I compare the train to air travel or any other mode of transportation, besides walking or bicycling, for negotiating the mercilessly congested Northeast Corridor. Still, in the year 2010, with an African-descended, brown president in the White House and a nation confidently asserting its passage into a postracial era, it strikes me as odd to ride beside a vacant seat, just about every time I embark on a three-hour journey each way, from home to work and back.
I admit I look forward to the moment when other passengers, searching for a good seat, or any seat at all on the busiest days, stop anxiously prowling the quiet-car aisle, the moment when they have all settled elsewhere, including the ones who willfully blinded themselves to the open seat beside me or were unconvinced of its availability when they passed by. I savor that precise moment when the train sighs and begins to glide away from Penn or Providence Station, and I’m able to say to myself, with relative assurance, that the vacant place beside me is free, free at last, or at least free until the next station. I can relax, prop open my briefcase or rest papers, snacks or my arm in the unoccupied seat.
But the very pleasing moment of anticipation casts a shadow, because I can’t accept the bounty of an extra seat without remembering why it’s empty, without wondering if its emptiness isn’t something quite sad. And quite dangerous, also, if left unexamined. Posters in the train, the station, the subway warn: if you see something, say something.
John Edgar Wideman is a professor of Africana studies and literary arts at Brown and the author, most recently, of “Briefs.
Break up lines - Do we still use these
- “Hmmm, I'm just not sure I want to do this anymore..."
- “I'm just not feeling IT anymore - so I want a divorce".
- “I love you but I am not IN LOVE with you ."
- "My dick is committed to you but my heart is not."
- "You are the only really good girl I've ever met; I will probably never meet anyone like you again. You are really marriage material. If we stay together, we will get married in a few years, BUT I'm not sure I am ready to commit to one person."
- "Sorry I stopped contacting you. I had to go back to rehab”
- "Dating you is killing who I am."
- "She's exactly like you used to be - before you became a bitch."
- “I think you love me more than I love you."
- "We both have some of the qualities we want, but not all of them."
- "I don't want the responsibility of someone else's happiness."
- "Really, it's not you, I'm just going through a selfish phase..."
- "I feel like this break up has made our relationship so much stronger."
- "I really like you, you're a lovely woman and we have great fun - you're just not a long-term prospect."
- "Maybe we have too much in common. We are too much alike."
- "I don't want you to feel like I'm breaking up with you. I just can't be in a relationship with you anymore."
- "I know it took me two years to finally get you out on a date, but now I'm feeling tied down..."
- "I just cant live with the pathetic tickles that you call 'sexual thrusts' anymore"
- "I can't be with you because you are graduating and I never went to college."
- "Life is too short to make mistakes."
- "Music is just more important to me than you are. But I love you so, so much as a friend."
- “Our lives are heading in two different directions I think its best we break up.”
Jenn is looking Fab!!!
I am amazed and impressed with Jennifer Hudson. She looks amazing, she is like a size two now. I think she looks great.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Are you finding it hard to manage a home, work, school, children, family, social life, and friends? Well if this is your life or your life is similar to this I have some tips for you.
1- You will need a note pad ?Y? Because you must write everything down
2- Plan your day from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep.
3- Schedule everything I mean everything… what your cooking for dinner, what time you’re going to bath, sleep, ect…
4-balance your life you cannot do everything every day.
5-plan time on your days off to do something special with your loved ones – something as simple as watching TV or cuddling in bed with the family, taking a stroll, or eating together.
6- Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. If you miss it and it can be done another day do it another day.
7- Get enough sleep.
1- You will need a note pad ?Y? Because you must write everything down
2- Plan your day from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep.
3- Schedule everything I mean everything… what your cooking for dinner, what time you’re going to bath, sleep, ect…
4-balance your life you cannot do everything every day.
5-plan time on your days off to do something special with your loved ones – something as simple as watching TV or cuddling in bed with the family, taking a stroll, or eating together.
6- Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it. If you miss it and it can be done another day do it another day.
7- Get enough sleep.
8- Take some YOU time- take a long bath, surf the web for random whatever, shop, go have a social lunch, do something that relaxes you.
9- Organize a life healthy plan- this is vital to your life. Exercise and a well balance meal plan will help you feel like you.
10-And remember at the end of the day your –yourself, family and friend are important so stay close
Saturday, September 18, 2010
T.I busted???
Man O man T.I got busted again… is it jail time for real this time. First he was caught with ecstasy then he pissed positive for opiates. All are violations of his parole. If convicted me might be going to prison for a long time. That is so sad I really like T.I. Come on Tiny ya’ll should have been smarter!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over (2010 Version)
This song makes me feel free.... totally love it.....
Trey Songz - Bottoms Up ft. Nicki Minaj [Official Video]
I love Nicki Minaj verse on this song... making it my favorite song of the week
Dating and debt: 8 red flags you need to look out for
When a professional meeting planner in Melville, N.Y. began dating the man who would eventually leave her $100,000 in debt, there were some clear warnings signs that he was having trouble with his finances. A part-time comedian, he used to joke about how he was only with her because of her secure job and good corporate benefits. "He used to make so many of these jokes," she recalls.
When they started getting serious, there were enough red flags about his financial health that she even postponed the wedding for a year until she felt that he'd become more fiscally responsible. When they finally got married, the honeymoon was short-lived. A mere six months after the wedding, he dissolved the family business and blew his portion of the proceeds on a brand-new motorcycle. "I was the one working 50-plus hours a week and paying all the bills, but he felt entitled concerning money that it was mutual property," she says.
Like many relationships in which money and debt become a sticking point, there are usually some early warning signs that go unnoticed or overlooked in the first, endorphin-filled rush of a new relationship. But experts, as well as people who've been in those troubled relationships, warn that if you ignore these red flags, you do so at your own peril. Read on for a list of the biggest fiscal red flags that you should keep watch for when entering into a new romantic relationship.
1. Has a "money-is-no-object" approach
Splurging on flowers or dinner once in a while is nice (and often typical in the early stages of a relationship), but you want to watch out for a guy or gal who never looks at the receipt before handing over his or her credit card. "A 30 year-old college graduate might have what seems like a good job, but do the expenses match the income?," asks Linda Kern, a divorce lawyer in Philadelphia who says deep-seated financial issues are one reason couples wind up in her office. "A salary nearing $100,000 may seem like a lot, but once the person makes a student loan payment, rent, car payment and insurance, there's not a lot left over for extravagance," she points out.
2. Appears wealthy without the job to back it up
Yes, there are a few bachelors and bachelorettes out there who've been left a fortune by a long-lost uncle. But if your snookums has a part-time (or no) job, yet somehow drives a flashy car, purchases big-ticket items on a whim or buys rounds for everybody in the bar, odds are, he or she is racking up a boatload of debt. "When we were dating, I kind of got the sense he didn't have a regular job, but he always seemed to act like he had money," says the meeting planner who was burned by her ex. "We'd go away for spontaneous weekends and things like that. I knew he was in business prior, and I thought he was situated pretty well."
3. Overdraws their account or has cards denied
Sure, there could be a computer glitch that leads to a credit card being rejected...once. If this happens regularly, you've got a problem on your hands, says Linda Kern. "Someone who truly pays their bills and doesn't carry high balances will be truly shocked and insist the merchant try it again, whereas someone who knows it's maxed out will quickly offer another card," she says.
One woman, a marketing professional in St. Louis, says she went to take out $40 on a holiday weekend so her boyfriend at the time (who subsequently became her husband) could attend an outdoor festival. Due to the three-day weekend, her direct deposit hadn't registered yet, and the ATM denied her transaction. "I said I had like two bucks on me," she recalls. He didn't ask any further questions; if he had, he'd have discovered she was living hand-to-mouth and running up bigger bills in the process. "We didn't talk about it that much," she says.
4. Receives collection calls or letters from creditors
If debt collectors are hounding your honey, it's probably for a good reason. Don't be fooled if they dismiss it by saying they got the bill in a day late, or forgot just a single payment. By the time an account goes to collections, the creditor has already made numerous efforts to settle the bill. If they have a roommate, keep a close eye on their relationship, says Syble Solomon, a Wilmington, N.C.-based life coach and expert in the psychology of money. "If they're living with a friend and every time you go over the roommate has left a note saying 'Remember to pay the utility bill,' that's not a good sign that this person is proactively taking responsibility," she says. A related red flag: if they live with their parents and contribute little, if any, to household expenses.
5. Is derailed by unexpected expenses
When the cash-strapped marketing professional (from red flag number three) needed to replace her car early on in her courtship with her now-husband, he wondered why she couldn't just pay the $5,000 cash for the used car she picked out and why her parents needed to co-sign the loan. In hindsight, one of them probably should have broached the topic, she acknowledges. Her husband had no idea how big her debts were or how poor her credit was until shortly before their wedding. "When I turned 18, I started getting store credit cards and I was unable to work in college for about five months, and those bills started to pile up," she recalls, estimating that she had several thousand dollars' worth of credit card debt when she began dating her husband.
6. Does poor, little or no financial planning
No one's saying you have to whip out a spreadsheet over the tiramisu on your first date, but even early in the relationship, you should pay attention to the language the object of your affection uses when he or she talks about their financial goals or dreams for the future. "When they talk about future plans to accomplish something, make a big purchase or plan a big event, do they also mention any concrete strategies to earn more money, spend differently or save to accomplish these things or is it just a wish list?" asks Solomon.
7. Has an unstable employment history
Yes, the job market is rough out there, but if your sweetie cycles through workplaces regularly - even if they say it's always someone else's problem or fault that leads to their departure - be wary. "If a person is constantly losing jobs and changing jobs, it can be an indicator of not following through, making poor decisions or generally irresponsible behavior which could generalize to the way money is managed," says Solomon.
8. Admits they're in deep
This might sound like a no-brainer, but sometimes people with tremendous debts will give you a clue in a casual way to see how you respond, says Kern. "Anyone who says "No bank would lend me a dime" or "Visa is chasing me" may be making off-hand comments to gauge your reaction," she warns. "If overwhelming debt isn't what you're looking for in a mate, look the other way."
By: Martha C. White
When they started getting serious, there were enough red flags about his financial health that she even postponed the wedding for a year until she felt that he'd become more fiscally responsible. When they finally got married, the honeymoon was short-lived. A mere six months after the wedding, he dissolved the family business and blew his portion of the proceeds on a brand-new motorcycle. "I was the one working 50-plus hours a week and paying all the bills, but he felt entitled concerning money that it was mutual property," she says.
Like many relationships in which money and debt become a sticking point, there are usually some early warning signs that go unnoticed or overlooked in the first, endorphin-filled rush of a new relationship. But experts, as well as people who've been in those troubled relationships, warn that if you ignore these red flags, you do so at your own peril. Read on for a list of the biggest fiscal red flags that you should keep watch for when entering into a new romantic relationship.
1. Has a "money-is-no-object" approach
Splurging on flowers or dinner once in a while is nice (and often typical in the early stages of a relationship), but you want to watch out for a guy or gal who never looks at the receipt before handing over his or her credit card. "A 30 year-old college graduate might have what seems like a good job, but do the expenses match the income?," asks Linda Kern, a divorce lawyer in Philadelphia who says deep-seated financial issues are one reason couples wind up in her office. "A salary nearing $100,000 may seem like a lot, but once the person makes a student loan payment, rent, car payment and insurance, there's not a lot left over for extravagance," she points out.
2. Appears wealthy without the job to back it up
Yes, there are a few bachelors and bachelorettes out there who've been left a fortune by a long-lost uncle. But if your snookums has a part-time (or no) job, yet somehow drives a flashy car, purchases big-ticket items on a whim or buys rounds for everybody in the bar, odds are, he or she is racking up a boatload of debt. "When we were dating, I kind of got the sense he didn't have a regular job, but he always seemed to act like he had money," says the meeting planner who was burned by her ex. "We'd go away for spontaneous weekends and things like that. I knew he was in business prior, and I thought he was situated pretty well."
3. Overdraws their account or has cards denied
Sure, there could be a computer glitch that leads to a credit card being rejected...once. If this happens regularly, you've got a problem on your hands, says Linda Kern. "Someone who truly pays their bills and doesn't carry high balances will be truly shocked and insist the merchant try it again, whereas someone who knows it's maxed out will quickly offer another card," she says.
One woman, a marketing professional in St. Louis, says she went to take out $40 on a holiday weekend so her boyfriend at the time (who subsequently became her husband) could attend an outdoor festival. Due to the three-day weekend, her direct deposit hadn't registered yet, and the ATM denied her transaction. "I said I had like two bucks on me," she recalls. He didn't ask any further questions; if he had, he'd have discovered she was living hand-to-mouth and running up bigger bills in the process. "We didn't talk about it that much," she says.
4. Receives collection calls or letters from creditors
If debt collectors are hounding your honey, it's probably for a good reason. Don't be fooled if they dismiss it by saying they got the bill in a day late, or forgot just a single payment. By the time an account goes to collections, the creditor has already made numerous efforts to settle the bill. If they have a roommate, keep a close eye on their relationship, says Syble Solomon, a Wilmington, N.C.-based life coach and expert in the psychology of money. "If they're living with a friend and every time you go over the roommate has left a note saying 'Remember to pay the utility bill,' that's not a good sign that this person is proactively taking responsibility," she says. A related red flag: if they live with their parents and contribute little, if any, to household expenses.
5. Is derailed by unexpected expenses
When the cash-strapped marketing professional (from red flag number three) needed to replace her car early on in her courtship with her now-husband, he wondered why she couldn't just pay the $5,000 cash for the used car she picked out and why her parents needed to co-sign the loan. In hindsight, one of them probably should have broached the topic, she acknowledges. Her husband had no idea how big her debts were or how poor her credit was until shortly before their wedding. "When I turned 18, I started getting store credit cards and I was unable to work in college for about five months, and those bills started to pile up," she recalls, estimating that she had several thousand dollars' worth of credit card debt when she began dating her husband.
6. Does poor, little or no financial planning
No one's saying you have to whip out a spreadsheet over the tiramisu on your first date, but even early in the relationship, you should pay attention to the language the object of your affection uses when he or she talks about their financial goals or dreams for the future. "When they talk about future plans to accomplish something, make a big purchase or plan a big event, do they also mention any concrete strategies to earn more money, spend differently or save to accomplish these things or is it just a wish list?" asks Solomon.
7. Has an unstable employment history
Yes, the job market is rough out there, but if your sweetie cycles through workplaces regularly - even if they say it's always someone else's problem or fault that leads to their departure - be wary. "If a person is constantly losing jobs and changing jobs, it can be an indicator of not following through, making poor decisions or generally irresponsible behavior which could generalize to the way money is managed," says Solomon.
8. Admits they're in deep
This might sound like a no-brainer, but sometimes people with tremendous debts will give you a clue in a casual way to see how you respond, says Kern. "Anyone who says "No bank would lend me a dime" or "Visa is chasing me" may be making off-hand comments to gauge your reaction," she warns. "If overwhelming debt isn't what you're looking for in a mate, look the other way."
By: Martha C. White
Random Thought
Sometimes I pray, is that wrong?
Sometimes I cry, because I am overwhelm with emotions,
I don’t know…I feel it is ok to do whatever I feel.
The prayer I pray is no specific prayer it’s just to say hey,
God… how are yah?
Thanks for the love, thanks for the protection, hey thanks for the friendship for all these years.
And my tears are tears that flow from a place fluffy and cloudy, white and black, in-between everlasting and eternal.
I sit in my head and I watch the world spin… I like it here sometimes it’s comforting. There is peace here and the sun always shines. The birds sing and everything is peaches and cream.
What’s so wrong with being weird who defined the word… have you ever thought??? Hhhmm who defined normal and different,
Labels and stamps my foreheads is out of space… so now I guess I start by erasing one word at a time from my vocabulary until I know no words? Would that bring me back to the beginning of time?
If Adam and Eve was the first ever man and woman on earth how did they communicate who taught them words, sounds, actions, movement.
So was the brain once a huge master cell that sat in the middle of the universe and controlled everything on earth…
yeah… then there was a major explosion and the brain exploded into tiny little cells that regenerated into mini brains that took over every living thing individually now we are controlled my the master,
We are in a sense zombies???…
Yup… if I wrote that story I’m sure I can find some followers and we can start a revolution…
O well O well I guess that will be that… and I will be the weird apple on the tree…
But you little grapes on the vines don’t shine your noses up at me…
I know you have some secrets you keep hidden, all inside and dry up and die…
Why should I be shy to say I think differently sometimes… who are you to ask me not to
Sometimes I cry, because I am overwhelm with emotions,
I don’t know…I feel it is ok to do whatever I feel.
The prayer I pray is no specific prayer it’s just to say hey,
God… how are yah?
Thanks for the love, thanks for the protection, hey thanks for the friendship for all these years.
And my tears are tears that flow from a place fluffy and cloudy, white and black, in-between everlasting and eternal.
I sit in my head and I watch the world spin… I like it here sometimes it’s comforting. There is peace here and the sun always shines. The birds sing and everything is peaches and cream.
What’s so wrong with being weird who defined the word… have you ever thought??? Hhhmm who defined normal and different,
Labels and stamps my foreheads is out of space… so now I guess I start by erasing one word at a time from my vocabulary until I know no words? Would that bring me back to the beginning of time?
If Adam and Eve was the first ever man and woman on earth how did they communicate who taught them words, sounds, actions, movement.
So was the brain once a huge master cell that sat in the middle of the universe and controlled everything on earth…
yeah… then there was a major explosion and the brain exploded into tiny little cells that regenerated into mini brains that took over every living thing individually now we are controlled my the master,
We are in a sense zombies???…
Yup… if I wrote that story I’m sure I can find some followers and we can start a revolution…
O well O well I guess that will be that… and I will be the weird apple on the tree…
But you little grapes on the vines don’t shine your noses up at me…
I know you have some secrets you keep hidden, all inside and dry up and die…
Why should I be shy to say I think differently sometimes… who are you to ask me not to
Relationship Talk
What's the true definition of a relationship and are you really in one with your significant other or by yourself.
Also how many of us truly compromise in our relationships when it's not convenient to us...
And is it worth saving or letting go? Relationships… they are never cut and dry Finally, Is it worth saving or letting go relationships...they are never cut on dry...
What is the definition of a True Relationship?
If you break down the word Re-la-tion-ship: Taking a journey on a ship with your partner and learning how to relate to one another. It is a journey to relate or learn from each other and from everything around you. You are taking this life journey together, creating magic moments and working through the hard or tough times, and most importantly growing stronger together. It is like you are consciousnesses merging to become one - not just getting along - which is what I see a lot of my private clients and couples doing today.
Unfortunately they learn about relationships from their parents. And with the divorce rate at close to 50% for first time marriages and 80% for 2nd marriages, it is not a good thing. They also learn from what they see on TV or in the movies, but unfortunately that is not real. This type of learning is make believe and they go there whole life looking for something that does not exist. That is why there is so much infidelity. They are trying to find this everlasting so-called love or soul-mate, but have mistaken lust for love - which are two different things. So a relationship is the path where 2 consciousnesses merge to become one. It is the journey on the ship to relate to each other. If you have not built a strong relation-ship, Then all you have is a Relation-Canoe, and it will sink like the other 50% already do.
Be The RockStar in Your Life You Were Born to Be!
Dr. Dan
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